How does the course work?

  • There are five different units in this course, with a total of 18 sessions.

    Each session has a powerful video teaching, which will be approximately 30-60 minutes in length, and led by a professor specifically trained in that area. You can watch these by logging in to your online account, or you can purchase the videos on DVD. 

    Then, you will open your workbook and complete a worksheet that accompanies each session. It will have discussion questions to help you apply what you have learned to your daily life. It will also have passages to read and ponder, as well as other activities to help cement the truths you have just learned. 

    Finally, each unit will have a list of challenges you will need to accomplish before moving on. The challenges fall into three categories: Memorize, Do, and Share. 

    1. Memorize: For believers, God’s Word is the foundation for all we do and say. You will be asked to memorize a few passages of Scripture and recite them to someone you know.
    2. Do: It is not enough to just learn the truth. We have to apply it in our daily lives. Each session has a list of accountability challenges to help you build a better worldview and practice what you have learned. You will have to get up, get out, and get to work! For example, you can volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center or donate items to help mothers and children in need. Some of these activities will involve logging in to your online account to access additional videos to watch or links you will need to explore.
    3. Share: Talking with others about what you have learned will cement these truths in your heart. It also may inspire some positive conversations that will impact your church and community. You will be asked to pick two items from a list of ways to engage with others about the topics discussed in each unit. For example, you can share these teachings with a non-believer and ask his or her thoughts. The goal is not to be combative, but rather kind and receptive to conversation.

How long does the course take to complete?

  • Participants or groups can work at their own pace to complete the course, but keep in mind access to the AFA Streaming Platform is valid for only one year after purchase. We suggest you tackle one session per week over the course of 18 weeks. 

What do the sessions cover, and how long are the videos?

  • Unit 1 Session 1: The War Against Biblical Authority (49 min)

    It all starts with God’s Word. If you are a follower of Christ, this Book should be the foundation on which your entire life is built. It should impact your decisions, your relationships, and even the way you think. But, sadly, we live in a culture that values “feelings” and “lived experiences” more than the Word of God. 

    There is an ongoing battle to discredit the authority of God’s Holy Word and its proper place in our lives. The enemy knows that if he can get you to doubt what God has said, he can destroy your relationship with Him.


    Unit 1 Session 2: A Case for Christian Activism (62 min)

    Should Christians be involved in culture – especially the so-called “culture wars?” If so, what about that contentious part of culture called politics? When it comes to controversial topics like abortion or homosexuality, many believers today prefer to shrink back and remain silent for fear of being seen as extreme.

    But God has called us to be salt and light in the midst of our dark world. We have an opportunity to speak truth into the midst of chaos and confusion.


    Unit 2 Session 1: The Essential Prolife Argument (48 min)

    Every human life is sacred and begins at conception, but try to debate this with a pro-choicer and chances are they will either distract you or change the subject. In this session, you’ll learn to simplify the abortion debate using arguments that resonate with unchurched people such as friends and coworkers, and you’ll learn to defend the prolife view in one minute or less. 


    Unit 2 Session 2: Five Bad Ways People Argue About Abortion (29 min)

    Instead of answering the prolife case directly, critics often toss out objections that fail to address the question, “What is the unborn?” Instead, they talk about privacy, trusting women, and why men should shut up! It’s easy to get frustrated chasing down all the objections. Good news! You don’t need to memorize every possible objection to the prolife view. Rather, you just need to recognize patterns of bad arguments. In this session, you’ll learn to recognize five bad ways people argue about abortion. Once you learn to recognize these patterns, you can slot any objection into one of the five bad ways and persuasively respond. 


    Unit 2 Session 3: Answering the Hard Question (28 min) 

    The minute you make your prolife case, the “whataboutisms” will start. What about rape? What about the life of the mother? What about the dangers of illegal abortion? What about children after they are born, shouldn’t you care about them? What about men trying to control women? In this session, we’ll explain why each of these objections fails to refute the essential prolife argument.


    Unit 2 Session 4: God's Provision in Suffering (39 min)

    The Bible teaches that every human life is sacred and worth protecting. But what about those whose lives are filled with chronic pain, terminal suffering, or severe physical or mental impairment? Some claim that the compassionate thing to do is to help these individuals end their suffering through physician assisted suicide, or to have elective abortions so that those with disabilities will never be born in the first place. But what does Scripture teach about the role of suffering in our lives? 


    Unit 2 Session 5: Practical Ways to Stand for Life (36 min)

    Many Christians today are against abortion, but when it comes to actually doing something to protect the unborn, they don’t know where to start. They assume they just aren’t right for the job, or that God can’t use them. The truth is the Kingdom of God needs every single believer to join the fight for life, and there is a job for each of us. There are hundreds of practical and creative ways to get involved if you will just listen to the Holy Spirit and be willing to step out of your comfort zone.


    Unit 2 Session 6: Legislating Life (34 min)

    Many Christians today are against abortion – but when it comes to actually getting involved in the prolife movement, they shrink back for fear of being seen as “too political.” Others simply don’t know where to start or who to vote for. The monumental reversal of Roe v. Wade was a huge victory for the unborn! But that is just the beginning. Until abortion is illegal in every state, it’s time for every Bible-believing Christian to get to work and do something about it – because innocent lives are at stake. 


    Unit 3 Session 1: What the Bible Says About Marriage (45 min)

    What exactly is “marriage”? Is it a legal document? A social arrangement following an expensive party with cake? Or a holy covenant designed by God from the very beginning of humanity’s existence? Some people believe that two men can be married. Some say you can marry the Eiffel tower or a fence post! But what does the Bible teach? 


    Unit 3 Session 2: Biblical Roles for Husbands and Wives (48 min)

    Society tells us that “gender roles” are just a manmade construction. The idea that men should be protectors and women nurturers is an antiquated, chauvinistic way of thinking that stereotypes people and keeps them from being their true selves. Yet, the Bible is filled with passages specifically addressing men and women differently and clearly defining their roles within the marriage union. Are these biblical roles still meant for us today? Are they as restrictive as they seem?


    Unit 3 Session 3: Biblical Parenting 101 (28 min)

    We’ve all heard the expression, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Society would have you believe that your children are not your own; they belong to the community, and it is the community’s job to raise them. The Word of God, however, teaches that it is the job of parents to raise children. If that’s the case, how do we do this in a culture that believes that truth is relative, that drag queen story hour is educational, and that the Word of God is an antiquated book that has no place in our lives?


    Unit 3 Session 4: Reversing the Curse (30 min)

    When sin entered our world, the curse affected every aspect of our lives. God’s beautiful plan for humanity to thrive in family units is now marred by things like the early death of a spouse, infidelity and selfishness resulting in divorce, or infertility leaving couples childless. Yet, in the midst of our brokenness, there is hope. We serve a God Who is ready to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives and redeem our stories. 


    Unit 4 Session 1: Patriotism and the Bible (45 min))

    Patriotism used to be valued in our country, but today it’s almost a dirty word. Many Bible-believing Americans are afraid to show their love of country for fear of being accused of “Christian nationalism.” Is it wrong to be patriotic? As followers of Christ, what obligation do we have to our country? Is America actually an exceptional nation? 


    Unit 4 Session 2: Unpacking Religious Liberty (41 min)

    Many in our country believe that “separation of church and state” means we must remove religious monuments and displays from public spaces. They want the Ten Commandments out of our courthouses and Bibles out of schools. Even some Christians say that the Bible teaches us to expect persecution and, therefore, we shouldn’t fight back when our religious liberty is threatened. Is this really what our Founding Fathers had in mind when America was formed? And what does God expect from us? 


    Unit 5 Session 1: Stewardship 101 (35 min)

    We live in the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen. Yet, fear, confusion, and guilt related to finances are common at every income level. The cultural perspective on handling money is driven by materialism, greed, and envy. A biblical worldview offers a radically differently approach resulting in freedom, contentment, and generosity. You can avoid the world’s traps and live as a wise and faithful steward of God’s money. 


    Unit 5 Session 2: Managing Money God's Way (42 min)

    Money management is often complex and confusing. Mixed messages from the world and seemingly endless choices lead to indecision and frustration. The reality is there are only five things you can do with money: live on it, give it away, owe it for debt, owe it for taxes, and grow it for the future. Timeless wisdom from God’s Word offers principles and practical help so you can make financial decisions with confidence and peace of mind. 


    Unit 5 Session 3 and 4: The Biblical Case For Capitalism  Part 1 and 2 (48 min, 60 min)

    Many people today think “capitalism” is a dirty word. A growing number of Americans are embracing socialism, and others don’t even realize how this ideology is creeping into almost every aspect of their daily lives. Many Christians even believe this ideology is biblical! After all, aren’t we supposed to care for the poor and share with those in need? But what does Scripture say? Is the desire to own private property, to be productive, and increase wealth wrong? 

What age is this course appropriate for?

  • AFA Activate is ideal for adults 18 and older. Topics such as marriage, family, parenting, and budgeting will be discussed. Students do not have to be married or have children to benefit from these sessions. 

Which plan should I purchase?

  • The Individual/Household Plan is designed for individuals or couples who would like to take the course together. If a couple purchases this plan, they will need to buy one additional workbook for $15.

    The Small Group Plan is designed for groups of 12 or less. The small group leader will receive a complimentary workbook and will oversee the purchase of up to 11 additional workbooks for the members of their group.

    If you have a group larger than 12, we'd love to help you get started! Contact us here. 

How do I start a small group?

  • You don't have to be an expert to help others have this life-changing experience. Anyone can lead a small group through this course. Small group leaders will receive a start-up kit with all the resources needed to help guide them through the process.

    Small group kits include: invitations to help advertise the course to potential participants, instructions on how to navigate the course, and a complimentary workbook for the leader. 

    Small group leaders will be in charge of picking a time and location to meet, as well as setting the pace for how quickly their group will go through the units and sessions. They will also facilitate small group discussion by choosing questions from the workbook to discuss together. 

How does graduation work?

  • At the end of the course, you will be asked to sign a completion pledge stating that you have finished all your course work. You will then be invited to attend a biannual graduation and commissioning ceremony at our headquarters in Tupelo, Mississippi, where you will meet some of your professors and get a special behind-the-scenes look at our ministry and some of the resources we offer our graduates. Those who cannot attend in person will be invited to watch virtually and will be mailed a certificate of completion. 

How does gifting work?

  • You can gift the AFA Activate Individual/Household Plan by visiting the pricing page and selecting "Gift Activate." You have the option to add a DVD or an extra workbook to your gift order. Once you've completed the purchase, you'll receive a gift code that you can share with the recipient. This code will also be available in your dashboard under your order details. The recipient can easily redeem the gift by visiting the pricing page and entering the code.

How do I invite someone?

  • After purchasing AFA Activate, you can invite other users from your dashboard under your order. For the Individual/Household plan, you will have one invite for your spouse. For a group plan, you can invite the total number of users in the group, minus one for yourself. If you have already purchased the Individual/Household plan, you will receive invites for the entire group size.

Can I purchase additional DVDs or workbooks after purchasing the course?

  • Yes, you can purchase additional DVDs or workbooks if you did not buy them when you purchased the course. Just go to your dashboard under your order, and you will see the option to purchase them.

Are there alternative payment options besides Credit/Debit Cards?

  • Yes, you can reach out to us through our contact form, and we will provide you with additional payment options.