Biblical Bedrock: Building on the Authority of Scripture
June 12th 6:00PM CST - 14th, 2025 5:00PM CST
Cadence Bank Arena, Tupelo, MS

Biblical Worldview Training

Will You Take a Stand?

Watch The Trailer

It all starts with the Bible.

In order to make an impact in culture, we must first submit ourselves to the clear teaching of Scripture and acknowledge its authority to dictate every area of our lives. In this course, we will focus on four specific areas that are under attack.

Sanctity of Life

Sanctity of Life

From the moment of conception till a person’s last breath, every human life is sacred.

Marriage and Family

Marriage and Family

God’s design for families is sacred and powerful, and that is why Satan seeks to rip them apart.

Religious Liberty

Religious Liberty

It’s time to speak up and take action before it’s too late.



How we earn, spend, and invest our money says a lot about what we really value in life.