Activate - About The Summit

About The Summit

Biblical Bedrock: Building on the Authority of Scripture

As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in a dark and hurting world. But how can we even begin to impact others when we live in a culture where truth is relative? It all starts with God’s Word. If you are a follower of Christ, the Bible should be the foundation on which your entire life is built. It should impact your decisions, your relationships, and even the way you think. But sadly, we live in a culture that values “feelings” and “lived experiences” more than the Word of God. There is an ongoing battle to discredit the authority of God’s Holy Word and its proper place in our lives. The enemy knows that if he can get you to doubt what God has said, he can destroy your relationship with Him.

One way to counteract the enemy is to join us for Activate Summit 2025 and learn how to submit yourself to the clear teaching of Scripture, acknowledging its authority to dictate every area of your life. Register now for Biblical Bedrock: Building on the Authority of Scripture, a conference for children and adults!

The main sessions are for ages 13 and up, while Activate Kids is a separate track for ages 6-12. Just like the adults, the children will learn about the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, but in an engaging and age-appropriate way. Participants in Activate Kids will:

  • Make their own papyrus scrolls and practice being scribes.
  • Play games that teach them about the eyewitnesses who wrote the Gospels.
  • Memorize powerful verses to help guide them on their spiritual walk.

Each session is specifically designed to help them learn that the Bible we hold in our hands is trustworthy and true, and it can guide us in every area of our lives. After completing all their activities, they will have a glow-in-the-dark party to conclude the conference and be encouraged to share God’s light with the rest of the world!